Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Indonesian Food is famous for its variety and taste. So that, every region in Indonesia has its own special food and custom. In West Java - where Sundanese live most - they like to eat fresh vegetables and sambal. As such, there is a ridiculous joke that says you can leave them in the garden and they will be fine. And they like to drink no sugar tea. In the other hand, Javanese (East Java) prefer eating sweet. So, Tea will be sweet but in Padang (West Sumatra), they like to spicy food.
But, When some of Indonesian foods is claimed by other country, who should be blamed on?.
According to a culinary expert “Bondan Winarno”, the fault can go back to Indonesia for not perpetuating food as a part of cultural inheritance. However, actions of perpetuating Indonesian food seems to be getting real support in recent years. The appearance of television programs about Culinary Archipelago, events of special regional food which sponsored by food industries, and bringing Indonesian special food on an exhibition abroad has brought wonderful publicity because Indonesian food will be familiar in internationally Finally, all this can attract foreign tourists to visit Indonesia through its culinary.
Bondan Winarno was known in Indonesia as a leading columnist and investigative reporter. Author of Jalan Sutra and some other best-selling books.
Brief History
Throughout its history, Indonesia had become centre of trade among other continents in the world (for about 360 years). The trade brought many things including spices, foodstuff, and cuisines from many ethnics such as Melayu, India, Middle East, Tionghoa, and Europe into Indonesia. The meeting of those differences causes a combination of Indonesian traditional food and results many varieties that cannot be found in other countries. For example, a combination with Tionghoa’s food results bakpao (steamed bun stuffed with meat or others) and noodle that sold in a shop or in the sidewalk. And one of characteristics of adaptation for Tionghoa-Indonesian food is beef and chicken are preferred then pork. It is because the majority of Indonesian people are Moslems which prohibit eating pork. Besides, Indonesian special spices are often consumed to complete the servings such as sambal.

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